Room 6 is the surgical wing of The Luke Commission. Whether it’s set up bed-by-bed, instrument-by-instrument in a classroom at rural outreaches, in the corner of a vehicle warehouse on the Miracle Campus, or at the far end of the Specialized Care and Surgical Centre (currently under construction), Room 6 is where patients are given free surgical procedures.

Wherever it is located, Room 6 is quiet and private. Those outside the fabric screens which serve as the walls of Room 6 seldom realize the intensity of what’s happening behind those screens.

Meanwhile, those TLC staff members already trained in surgery are teaching others how to do surgical procedures. Also, trainers in the surgical wing are in constant contact electronically with their own mentors and experienced medical personnel.

It’s the Joshua principle at TLC. Learn well, practice what you have learned, and then train someone else to take your place, trusting God will have something else for you to do. And He does. Always.

These photos show the team training and accomplishing the best for each patient.

