Stock Donations

Taking Stock

To donate gifts of stock held in your brokerage account:

  1. You may instruct your broker to electronically transfer shares of stock to an institution* with whom we have made arrangements for discounted transaction fees:

  2. Provide written instructions to your broker, specifying the number and type of shares to be transferred to The Dayton Foundation. Send a copy to The Dayton Foundation by mail, fax or e-mail. You also may contact Tracie Boshears directly at (937) 225-9967 to make her aware of the incoming transfer.

  3. Be certain to note that the funds should be deposited to The Luke Commission Medical Missions Fund (#7017) at The Dayton Foundation.

  4. You will receive a confirmation from the Dayton Foundation showing the value of the gift of stock made based on the price when the stock is sold. Note that the stock is typically sold immediately when deposited into the Dayton Foundation account.

*Participating institutions

  •  Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. DTC Number: 0164 Account Number: 2745-5124 Account Name: Dayton Foundation Depository Inc.

  • JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. DTC Number: 902 FFC to Account Number: P72500 Account Number: PBD#W26531009 Account Name: The Dayton Foundation

  • National Financial Services/Fidelity Investments DTC Number: 0226 Account Number: 173-179990 Account Name: Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc.

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